Cemetery Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Hillside Cemetery?
Hillside Cemetery is located in Wilton Connecticut, situated in Fairfield County and is easily accessible from I-95 and the Merritt Parkway

Physical Address: 165 Ridgefield Road, Wilton, CT 06897
Mailing address: P.O. Box 215, Wilton, CT 06897
Telephone: 203.762.5591
Web Page: www.hillsidecemeterywilton.com
E-mail: cemetery@wiltoncongregational.org

How large is Hillside Cemetery?
Hillside Cemetery is comprised of 27 acres with approxomatley15 acres remaining for future development  with enough expansion potential for the next 100 years and beyond.

How old is Hillside Cemetery?
Established in 1818, Hillside  Cemetery will celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2018.

Who can be buried at Hillside Cemetery?
As a non-sectarian cemetery, Hillside is open for burials of all races, religions and walks of life.

Who owns the cemetery?
Hillside is a private, not-for-profit cemetery owned by the Wilton Congregational Church welcoming people of all faiths.

When is Hillside Cemetery open?
The grounds are open every day of the year, from dawn to dusk.

Why should I consider pre-need planning?
Prearranging for death is not a sign of hopelessness; it is an expression of trust, faith and acceptance.
By pre-planning, your wishes are made clear, only needing implementation. Advance planning is also  the best way to avoid financial burden later.

What is the interment fee?
The opening of a grave may include many separate services provided by the cemetery. Typically, the interment fee includes administration,  permanent record keeping, and legal fees; opening and closing the grave (locating the grave and laying out the boundaries, excavating and filling the interment space); installation and removal of the lowering device;  leveling, tamping, re-grading and seeding the grave site, leveling and re-seeding the grave as the earth settles.

What is Perpetual Care?
Perpetual care provides for regular care and maintenance of the cemetery which can include mowing, planting and caring for  trees, water supply system, maintenance of roads, drainage and more.

Are there any additional expenses?
If the family wishes to identify the grave of the deceased with a monument or marker additional expenses may include: the cost of the monument and the charge for the foundation or installation.

What is a full burial?          
A full burial is the interment of a body in its permanent resting-place.

What is the size of a grave and how can it be used?
A grave is approximately three feet six inches wide and ten feet long. It will accommodate one full interment and one cremain or a maximum of two cremation interments.

What is a burial plot?
A burial plot is eight graves; two rows of four graves. A full plot is recommended for large families and/or future generations that would like to be buried together. A map of Hillside Cemetery depicting the  layout of plots is on file at the Wilton Congregational Church office.

What is required for an in-ground burial?
An in-ground full burial requires: the grave, the interment fee (opening and closing of the grave), the casket, an outer burial vault for the casket, and the Burial Permit.

What are burial vaults?
Burial vaults are outside containers in which the casket is placed. Burial vaults are made of a variety or combination of materials including concrete, copper, bronze, or fiberglass. The state of Connecticut requires the use of a burial vault. Additionally, the use a burial vault keeps the ground from extensive settling.

What is cremation?
Cremation refers to the act of consuming a body by fire.

What are cremains?
Cremains are the remains of the body after cremation.

What is the Cremation Memorial Garden?
The Cremation Memorial Garden is an area designated for the sole purpose of burial of a single cremation.

Can I disinter my loved one for burial elsewhere?
We discourage this endeavor. The disinterment of a casket or urn is a very difficult and expensive endeavor. Nevertheless, we will support families that make this decision for valid reasons like keeping families together. We do everything possible to make this type of move reverent and respectful.

How do I find information about family plots or genealogy?
Contact the Cemetery office at 203-762-5591with inquiries on family plots or interment information on specific individuals or send your request to cemetery@wiltoncongregational.org.